Internet gaming disorder in male and female young adults: The role of alexithymia, depression, anxiety and gaming type
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between alexithymia and Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) (while controlling for depression and anxiety), explore the presence of gender differences, and the potential differences between MOBA and MMORPG gamers.

A total of 429 young adults (mean age 20.7 years) recruited from different forums dedicated to video games took part in the study and filled a questionnaire including type of video game use, the Game Addiction Scale, the TAS-20 (evaluating alexithymia) and the HADS (evaluation anxiety and depression). In the whole sample, being alexithymic, depression scores, and anxiety scores were associated with IGD. Nevertheless, results differed depending on gender and type of games played. In male gamers, being alexithymic, being young, and having high anxiety and depression scores was associated with IGD. In female gamers, having less than a high school education and a high depression score was associated with IGD. In MOBA gamers, only the difficulty describing feelings factor was associated with IGD while in MMORPGs gamers, graduation from high school and anxiety scores were associated with IGD. Playing MOBA games could be a strategy to regulate emotions while playing MMORPG appears to be a maladaptive coping strategy to deal with negative affective disturbances. Gender and gaming type are important factors in the relationship between alexithymia, depression, anxiety and IGD. These results have some interesting clinical implications, which are discussed.
Questa ricerca approfondisce le dinamiche che intervengono nei giochi immersivi, la relazione con l’alessitimia, gli stati emotivi associati, la capacità di entrare più o meno in contatto con le proprie emozioni e riuscire a dar loro voce. Vengono prese in esame le relazioni familiari con le figure parentali come un fattore cruciale nello sviluppo di un’adeguata capacità di controllo emozionale e di mettere in atto efficaci strategie di coping soprattutto difronte al proprio vissuto emozionale. Da questo studio emerge anche che nei giocatori presi in considerazione, i punteggi di depressione, difficoltà a descrivere i sentimenti e ansia, sono associati all’IGD. È possibile che questi soggetti abbiano trovato nel gioco, nel corso del loro sviluppo, un modo per alleviare la disregolazione emotiva associata all’alessitimia e che quindi questa strategia potrebbe essere vista come adattiva per un periodo. Resta che questi soggetti, nel tempo, non sviluppano metodi alternativi di regolazione delle emozioni.
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