Brain correlates of response inhibition in Internet gaming disorder
The present study aimed to evaluate the brain correlates of response inhibition among subjects with Internet gaming disorder (IGD)
For this purpose, 15 men with IGD for at least 1 year, and 15 controls with no history of IGD were recruited to perform the Go/Nogo task under functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation. Prior to scanning, the subjects were assessed using the Chen Internet Addiction Scale and the Barrett Impulsivity Scale.
The control group exhibited activation of the right supplement motor area (SMA), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and caudate for response inhibition. However, the IGD group had a higher impulsivity and lower activity of the right SMA/pre‐SMA in comparison to the control group
The results obtained suggest that dysfunctional activation of the SMA for response inhibition is one of the candidate mechanisms of IGD.

Questo studio dimostra che, nei soggetti con un IGD, il meccanismo neurobiologico dell’inibizione della risposta è piuttosto carente poiché risulta compromessa l’area motoria supplementare rispetto al gruppo di controllo.
I limiti di questo studio sono risultati essere un campione limitato e peraltro costituito solo da individui di sesso maschile e l’esclusione dallo studio di soggetti con altre comorbidità quali uso da sostanze o possibili patologie psichiatriche.
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